Monday, 11 February 2013

Dynamics CRM 2011 - Odd behaviour of Product default lookup view on Order Product record

Yesterday, I faced a weird behaviour of order product entity on production server & in fact did not visualize the same during development phase. This is related to a default lookup view of existing product on Order Product entity record. In Dynamics CRM a default lookup view for this entity is “Products in Parent Price List”. Means you will only be allowed to select the products of Price List that was selected on Order record (Parent record). On yesterday I found that the default view was changed to “Product Lookup View” and it now allows you to select products of all Price Lists. Weird…. After goggling for an hour I came to know that this is because I wrote some JavaScript code on change event of this lookup field to do some calculation of pricing based on product selection. So when you write custom code on the OnChange event of such "special" lookups CRM loses its normal behaviour. Workaround
  • Create a new temporary unmanaged solution on development organization.
  • Add an Order Product entity to this solution.
  • Export this solution as unmanaged.
  • Unzip the customization files.
  • · In customiztaion.xml, change the default view GUID back to “Products in Parent Price List” ({BCC509EE-1444-4A95-AED2-128EFD85FFD5}) by replacing the current GUID of “Product Lookup” ({{8BA625B2-6A2A-4735-BAB2-0C74AE8442A4}}).
  • Import the solution back to the development organization & publish the changes.
  • You can now validate the default lookup view for Product lookup.
  • Now, export your original unmanaged solution as Managed to be imported on production server.
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